Top 6 immunity boosting foods in INDIA

Top 6 immunity boosting foods of INDIA

  1. आंवला Gooseberry...
  2. लहसुन Garlic...
  3. अदरक Ginger...
  4. हल्दी Turmeric...
  5. अनार Pomegranate...
  6. चकुंदर Sugar beets...


Vitamin C is found in plenty in amla. Amla can be eaten in many medium or ways,Amla is a wonder food. That is, this small fruit has such miraculous properties that are very beneficial for the body. This not only increases the immunity of our body but also eliminates many diseases from the root. Mixing honey in amla juice, morning and morning, has many benefits, as well as strengthens our body's immune system, enhances our immunity.


Garlic is rich in many nutrients, garlic helps in detoxifying our body. And by roasting garlic, eating increases the immunity of our body, which helps to protect against various types of infection in our body. Whether cholesterol is increasing or patients of diabetes, the consumption of garlic in the diet is very beneficial not only in winter but also in every season.
Garlic can cause bad breath, mouth, stomach or chest irritation, gas, vomiting, body odor, and diarrhea. Often eating raw garlic makes the situation worse. It may also increase the risk of bleeding.


Ginger contains elements of protein, calcium, iron, vitamins, etc. Ginger is used in many ways, by mixing small pieces of ginger with honey, it eliminates the problems like cough, cold. . The ginger effect is hot and that is why ginger is used a lot during the cold season. At the same time, people drink ginger tea made of ginger 2-3 times a day. Which gives relief in cold and cold. Consumption of ginger also regulates the blood circulation of our body, it also controls the cholestrol of our body.


 Turmeric is a treasure of medicinal properties Turmeric contains nutrients with anti-accident, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties.
Turmeric is rich in medicinal properties, with antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
Turmeric has many medicinal properties. Many medicinal properties make turmeric so special that most people use it on the skin besides using it in food. Turmeric eradicates many diseases like cold and cold, constant consumption of turmeric enhances immunity of our body and increases immunity,
Mixing turmeric with hot milk and drinking it at night is very beneficial. Turmeric protects us from problems caused by the changing season.


Pomegranate seeds have antiseptic properties along with antibacterial and antiviral properties, which enhance the immunity of our body and protect us from many types of viral diseases. Fiber is rich in vitamin K, C, and B, iron, potassium, zinc and omega-6 fatty acids.
Drinking pomegranate juice improves the face. Also it is beneficial in the problem of acne and acne.

Beet root(chakundar)

Chakundar is very beneficial for our body. Iron, vitamin C and potassium are found in chakundar, which keeps our immunity system healthy and also fulfills iron deficiency in the body, beetroot can be eaten in many ways. Beet juice is very beneficial. Eating beet regularly is beneficial in constipation and stomach related diseases like piles.

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